Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Crocodile for SALE.. Pantomime Croc

Having made the Tick-tock Croc back in November 2021 and being used twice by All and Sundry in Bromsgrove for their Peter Pan pantomimes. It's now time to recoup some of the time/hours and let someone else own it.

It would make a great investment to use or hire out. I made the Croc in a few weeks and so much went into the creation. 

Email me @ if you are interested.

This video watch now contains footage of me inside the Crocodile on stage, the build and how it all works.

I hope you enjoy 

All the best


Thursday, November 9, 2023

Japanese chisels - Watch this before you buy. (Buying chisels online)

A 3mm Japanese chisel. Needed for a project, so I bought one online. I checked what I needed and Tyzac in London had just the right one.

'Click'.. it's paid for and delivered 36 hours later. Only problem is I'm not happy that it's laminated well. Take a look at the video. here

This is what it looked like 

Would you keep it of send it back? 

What do you think?

Let me know in the comments on the video. 


Friday, November 3, 2023

Stanley no7 jointer plane. Or Preston no17 - (compare Jointer planes)

The CLASSIC Stanley no7 jointer plane plus a very RARE Preston no17 jointer plane. I don't need three big planes.

One or two have to go

One of my students has asked if i have a no7 jointer plane For SALE. But which one do I sell? 

The three are. 

Stanley type 8 (1880s-1902) 

Stanley type 15 (1931-32) and a Preston type 2. (1931-33)

Which plane would you keep and which would you sell? 

Watch my thoughts on these three and see if you can tell which one stays. 

Watch the video

#woodworking #handtools #jointer

Thank you


The Ultimate Upcycled bench

Part 4. Where the ideas start to become a drawing and the first joint done. There's a lot of woodworking going on in this video. Working...