Tuesday, January 25, 2022

You have to start somewhere - [video no1] My first post on YouTube, was not meant to be for YouTube..

This really wasn't supposed to be my first YouTube video. You see, I was trying to make a post about how I use the Super Mario effect to get work done. I'd made this short video and Instagram was not happy as I tried to upload it. And I just thought to myself.. "Well Instagram, that's your loss, I'm going to see if YouTube would like it"..

And it went on really easy. Yes, there's 50 more buttons to understand and click one of four options 🙈 but it did work.
And here it is
In this video I'm going through the Super Mario Effect system that was on a Ted Talk with Mark Rober. 

And a year almost to the day, I'm now writing it into my blog. I'll try to get to post all of my videos on here at some point. 

Here's the first Post on YouTube

Below is a link to my biolink where you can go to my Twitter. INSTAGRAM. YouTube and my Buy me a Coffee where you can support me during these tough times and my ambition of a successful YouTube channel. 


Thank you

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Briquette making over the New Year.. The end of 2021

Well, I hope you had a good Christmas and New year. Its been great spending more time with the family.

It was a strange time that I'm really only experiencing for the first time. I'm talking about my YouTube experience over the Christmas period. 

I had no idea that YouTube would blow up over this period. The followings or Subscribers has gone from around 600 at the start of December to over 1100 at the end of the month.

And then one of my videos that was bubbling along with no real heat under it, suddenly went crazy from a few views each day at the beginning of the month, to 5163 views on Boxing day. 

The video was made 9 months ago. Making briquettes out of my waste sawdust and shavings click here to watch. 

The real difference was, it had taken me over the 1000 subscribers you need to monetise, and the 4000 hours watched that is also a requirement. And over significantly. I was concerned about getting nearer to the stats and if YouTube would allow to monetise. But it went flying over the requirements and when YouTube sent me an email to tell me I 'should' put adverts on my page.. I was quite shocked. 

This was all accomplished in 11 months of my first posting on YouTube. I'd learned that the norm or average was 22 months to get to this point. I was really pleased that I'd done it in half the time. It's about content, that was the other thing that YouTube had advised on. Good content.

Have a look. See what you think and let me know in the comments below.

And Happy New year 


The Ultimate Upcycled bench

Part 4. Where the ideas start to become a drawing and the first joint done. There's a lot of woodworking going on in this video. Working...